Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Hey everybody!
It's so good to have this spot where we can get together and talk about what's important and how we're going to change our lives.  Keep checking back here for news and comments on how we're making a difference in our world one day at a time.


  1. I've always enjoyed your motivational talks. I'm looking forward to what you have to say.

  2. Sitting here thinking while reading this blog, yes I'm ignorant. Wow, that was humbling. Finances isn't one of my strong points. But at some point in our lives we must take responsibility for our own growth, if that means getting support by joining a program or group (sounds like a AA or NA meeting, it's OK) sometimes help is needed to move forward. Well, if being part of a group means not being ignorant, then I guess I'm on the right path. Thanks Markeda, for helping US Ignorant Folks..
