Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What are your non-negotiables?

Wow, what a deep question? At least that's what I think. It's one of the most life altering questions you can ask yourself. Have you ever stopped, sat down, and wrote out your non-negotiables. I believe everyone who wants to do something great with their lives has to, at some point, take the time to identify their non-negotiables. I am constantly reviewing my non-negotiables. I have to! They keep me focused on my dreams and help me to not settle in this life.

Do you ever feel like you are settling? Like you have stopped fighting for your dreams and are becoming content with just getting by? Having a job that barely pays the bills? Having ok relationships instead of your Prince Charming? I believe that having non-negotiables helps you proclaim your decision to have the life you know you deserve. It's a reference point for you to use to verify that you're on track.

So lets talk about what exactly is a non-negotiable ...

There are decisions that are made in your mind based upon on your values and beliefs and convictions that you will not change. These are 'deal breakers' to you, your non-negotiables, the lines you will not cross. If you don't know what your 'deal breakers' in life are, those things that no one can talk you into doing, then you don't really know yourself very well.

Some non-negotiables are things you won't do under any circumstances. Others are those things that you refuse to let anyone stop you from pursuing. There are some things that we all (hopefully) agree are non-negotiables for everyone, like not committing murder or not stealing. Other non-negotiables are things that are very personal and specific to us.

Here are some samples of my non-negotiables:

Here are some things that I WON'T do:

  • I won’t break the law. (ehem, this might not include the occasional speeding…)
  • I won’t cheat on my husband.
  • I won't jeopardize my health for the prosperity of my business.
  • I won’t drink, swear, or do anything that violates God's laws.

Some of my non-negotiables are things I WILL do:

  • I will pray and read the Bible daily.
  • I will read a self-improvement book at least 15 minutes every day.
  • I will educate and empower a minimum of 10 people every month.
  • I will have a date night with my husband at least once each month.
  • I will journal and write down my goals each week.

How do I know that these are my non-negotiables? I know because I have been tested. I have been in many different situations where decisions about these values of mine have come up and I haven't budged despite considerable pressure to do so.
Do I work hard on my business and put all of my energy into it? Yes! Will I allow my health to fail while I push myself harder and harder to get one more thing done at work? No! Having good health is non-negotiable to me.
Do I go out with friends and have a great time? Yes! Will we go out clubbing and drinking! No! Breaking God's laws is a non-negotiable to me. I'll find other things we can do and still have fun.
Do I have a date night with my husband at least once a month? Yes! Will we spend money we don't have to do it? No! Keeping my marriage fresh and new is a non-negotiable for me and we'll find fun things to do that won't break our budget.
Do I read my goals every day? Yes! Will I allow life and other people to distract me? No! Dreaming big every day is non-negotiable to me. I always keep track of where I want to go and how I'm going to get there.

Non-negotiables shouldn't be a chore
The idea of non-negotiables is that they aren't a chore to be done, but rather who we are without thinking about it. They're just a part of your day. You just do them.
How do you make them a part of you? Ask yourself these questions:
  • What do I believe? What are my values?
  • What actions would I say no to no matter who asked me to do them?
  • When can I make time for things I need to do EVERY day? Where can I place them so that they're a priority in my life?
  • When I wake up in the morning, how can I feed my body and soul today in order to bring my best self to the world?
You are supposed to live who you are to the best of your ability, while constantly seeking to improve. Non-negotiables are the tools to help you do this.

Non-negotiable doesn't mean inflexible
Being flexible is important. Non-negotiables aren't meant to be a straight jacket for our lives. They're meant to define us and help us decide how we will behave without sacrificing that sense of self.
If we decide that we won't go clubbing, it doesn't mean that we don't spend time with our friends. It just means that we figure out how to do it somewhere other than in clubs.
If we decide that we're not going to hang around negative people and our boss is negative, that doesn't mean that we quit our job (although that might need to be an option). It just means that we spend as little time around him and listening to his negativity that we can get away with.
The thing to watch out for is that we don’t get so flexible that we lose our grip on what’s really important to us. Little by little, day by day, we can let things slide in such a way that pretty soon the things that matter are no longer a part of our daily or life routine. If that happens, we've lost sight of who we are and what our values are. In other words, we've forgotten what our non-negotiables are.

Here are a few thing that might need to be non-negotiable in your life.
  • Your physical, mental, and emotional well-being

  • A healthy relationship with yourself

  • Keeping your word to yourself and others

  • Associating with positive people

  • Your values

What are the things that you won't compromise on, the things that no one can talk you out of either doing or not doing? Be specific and detailed. These are the things that define you. These are your non-negotiables and they make you great, not just good. I strongly believe that good is the enemy of greatness. Don't settle!


  1. Thx Markeda for another great/helpful blog! While reading this blog I realize I have never written mine down. We can all SAY & TALK about what we won't put up with or what we will always do, but is it really real, is it really remembered, are you really accountable if it's not on paper? I love the quote: "the infamous pen is always better than the best of memory" I do believe your non-negotiables can become a part of you that doesn't require reading from a list; however, to get to that point I believe you need to read from a list daily until it is embedded in your brain & heart...does that make sense...? It's making sense in my head; however, I don't know how well I'm articulating it - lol

  2. Going back to a life of all dream and no action is one of my non negotiables. Since I have been introduced to FI I have been aggressively meeting my short term goals and am now poised to accomplish something within the next 6 months or so that I hadn't really attempted in years. I was a person who fell in love with dreaming and rationalized reasons for not acting immediately on those very dreams. I had been paralyzed by the thought of failure and ridicule which oddly enough happened anyway because of my failure to act. You mean to tell me that failure is imminent and is a necessary ingredient for success? ( Ah Ha ) well success look out! cuzz I'm equipped with a " Fail Forward " mindset and the favor of God and victory is inevitable!
